16 August 2012

First visit

Tonight we met our Social Worker. She is thankfully, very, very nice, and I warmed to her straight away. She has 2 older sons, recognises DS is bright and challenging, and ate 2 of the cookies I made (Hey! First impressions, right?!).

Unfortunately she can only do fortnightly meetings, but she's incredibly flexible about timings, and has even offered weekends if needed (though we don't want to have to do that, and want to make this an equal compromise).

She reckons we'll need 7-8 sessions before panel, says we'll need to do homework, and has already booked in the next 2 sessions.

I think I'm going to really enjoy this, especially cos the challenging circumstances from my past are now out of the equation. I hope so, anyway! Fingers crossed :D

28 July 2012

Day out

Today we went to Yorkshire Wildlife Park, with Rory, Martin & Tanya (and obviously Lani and Fredde). You guys seemed to have the best time, and loved seeing the animals. You spent a lot of time looking for farm animals, before realising there were actually Lions and Tigers there (even though they were asleep and didn't want to move!).

You spent a lot of time on the climbing frame, and Daddy and I were very grateful that it was a lovely warm sunny day!

There was a squirrel monkey enclosure, and you stood right next to them and fed them a leaf. They also tried to steal Daddy's sunglasses off his face!

We saw tigers and lions, a leopard, monkeys, goats, guinea fowl, zebra's, capybara, squirrel monkeys, meerkats, bison, zebu & wallabies. You got absolutely filthy with the others, and fell asleep on the way home.

Daddy & I had stayed up to see the Olympic ceremony the night before, so we were very tired. I got around by drinking a lot of coffee and Daddy got around on willpower alone! ;)

We got home in time to watch the GP qualifying in Hungary. Hamilton has pole :D

21 July 2012


Today the weather finally broke, and was lovely. Daddy came home at lunchtime (as he'd been away in Sheffield on a work's night out). We sat in the garden on the trampoline, with our drinks.

You decided we should go on a picnic soon. You want a sandwich, an apple and a banana. You then wanted to talk about music, and told us you like blues.

You currently love the Maroon 5 album 'Overexposed', with One More Night, Payphone and Lucky Strike, being your favourite tracks, that you sing every time you hear them. My mobile ringtone  is 'Move like Jagger' as it's the first Maroon 5 song you fell in love with. 'Stereo Hearts' by Gym Class Heroes (feat. Adam Levine), always reminds us of Josh, as we heard it in HMV the day you rode a car in there and pulled CDs off the shelf.

You love singing the chorus to 'Ill Manors' by Plan B, and today you were wandering around the house singing 'Shake it Out' by Florence and the Machine.

Daddy has given you his blue ukelele, and you like to pick it up and sing, dance and pretend to play 'Oh Sugar' (aka 'Love is Blind') by Annie Lennox. You sing along so beautifully.

You have an opinion on everything, you like to share with your friends, you're a whizz on your scooter, and you love talking. You're also incredibly good at it.

20 July 2012

This week

DS1, you've turned 3 - I can't believe how the time has flown. I also can't believe I'm still not updating this more regularly, but time keeps getting away  from me.

Your birthday was brilliant. You wanted Spiderman everything, and that's what you got! I made you a Spiderman cake, which you loved, and you got many many Hexbugs from your Uncles and Aunties (Uncle Dave,  Uncle Mark & Aunty Shona, and Aunty Helen). You wanted a skateboard from us, and we also got you a bigger scooter (you call it your posh scooter - it's a No Fear orange trick one). Uncle Toby bought you Alex the Aardvark, who you adore, and created a blog for you, which you followed avidly until Alex arrived! Uncle Toby loves you very much :)

7 June 2012

Here we go again...

After a fairly horrific experience (which I'm sure I'll write up once everything is done), we had a home visit with an agency. What a lovely experience.

It's fair to say that Justina was lovely from start to finish. She listened, laughed, fit right in, and DS adored her. How nice to have a worker actually involve our son in what could be a life changing experience for us all. Unfortunately she doesn't do assessments, but still. It was lovely to meet her.

We have to wait for her Manager to sign off on it, but I'm hopeful we will proceed to the next stage and our application will be approved.

I am excited. I'm trying not to be, and I'm sad it's not shared, of course, but different people react and work in different ways, and it's still a process after all.

Only time will tell.

12 May 2012


So far the films we've seen in the Cinema are:

  • Beauty & the Beast 3D
  • Pirates in an Adventure with Scientists
  • Mirror Mirror
  • A Monster in Paris
  • Happy Feet 2
  • Alvin & the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked
  • Puss in Boots
  • Cars2

Little boy 'school'

I guess the day had to arrive sometime. Yesterday we went to look at nurseries/school, as I'm going back to work. Mummy works in a school so you want your own school.

You loved the first one, and whilst it was nice, it was small and cramped and not what I had envisioned, though I didn't know why. I didn't have many options. I have to leave the house at 7am, and there are no options locally for me to drop you off at that time. We decided you'd have to be near my work. options seemed limited.

As I was driving home I suddenly had a thought. I stopped the car, checked my email, and turned the car around.

We just turned up on the fly at another nursery I had contacted. The second I drove in I knew. There was space, there was greenery and it was clean. There was a good security system and we had to wait to be buzzed into the building.

The rooms were large, the staff were friendly and the children looked happy. You settled i straight away and were immediately welcomed and invited by staff.

We stayed an hour or so whilst I talked to staff and you familiarised yourself with the amenities and children. OfSTED are always helpful in the way they're constantly changing the goalposts, but I know what I want for you, and that's not necessarily what OfSTED dictate.

I also found out you have one year before you start school. I can't quite get my head around that, but apparently it's because there's only one intake a year now. You will be the youngest in your class, just like I always was.

I have signed you up to a 'school' that believes in routine and reading and play and making. You need challenging and structure and you need a vast amount of open space.

I hope I have made the right decision for you, but I truly believe this is the best place for you and will give you the best start for school in a year.

My baby boy, where on earth has the time gone?! You are 2years and 10months today xx

28 April 2012

I meant to say - no more pottys!

We have a portable fold-up seat for the toilet at home, that I used to take with us when we went out, but you don't use it anywhere but home. You're incredibly independent and insist at times, at going to the toilet on your own.

You have shot up, and seem to have grown 2inches in the last week, so you can now just about stand up to wee without a seat.

Every now and then you just seem to shoot up, and apparently you're quite tall for your age.

Verbally you're streets ahead of your peers, and love learning about everything. We're currently learning about the Solar System. You're not a fan of Mars.

You love OK GO!, and the '3 Primary Colours' song. You can access YouTube. Not only that, you can use the iPad to access the server to put on any films you want to watch. You're a sponge when it comes to absorbing information.

Cows don't drink milk from their bums. TheY do drink water. They do drink puddles. The magic frog can probably get home when it rains.. :)

27 March 2012

Training days

Not only are you dry, but you're dry at nights too. I can't believe how quick you took to this! Plus, 3 weeks after starting, we had to do a 5hr car journey and stay away for a few days in unfamiliar surroundings, and you still managed to stay dry!

I cannot explain just how proud we are of you!

9 March 2012

Potty Training (3)

Day 3 of potty training.

You are doing so well! Really really well! I am so proud of you!

Today Amazon delivered 'Princess Polly's Potty' and 'Toilet Training' by Gina Ford. Only one is for you, the other is for me. You were so excited by the princess book, but I realised very quickly, that you need a 'boys' version. I have ordered Pirate Pete and his Potty. It'll be here tomorrow ;)

Anyway, you were jumping off and on your potty so excitedly today, and not a single spill! We played, you watched films and we talked a lot. (Mummy finally got her car insurance sorted)

Halfway through the day you screamed 'Mummy, Nappy!' at me. I ran over, but it was too late, and you'd messed your pants. You were so mortified and upset, and you told me I was angry. I could never be angry at you for this, you try so very, very hard. We cleaned you up and put your poo in the potty. I gave you lots and lots of cuddles, and told you how much I love you, that I was so proud of you for trying, and for telling me.

You then told me we needed to put the poo in the toilet, so we went upstairs and transferred everything.  I cleaned up what was left, and we changed your pants too. You seemed a lot happier when you flushed the toilet and watched everything go.

The rest of the day you continued to wee in the potty without any trouble and told me few times that you'd had an accident. I kept telling you it didn't matter, and that we'd do it right next time. You were a lot happier.

I also called you upstairs for a surprise. Daddy & I had bought you a Star Wars Lego duvet set. I will never forget your face when you walked into your bedroom and saw it, and the way you gasped and held your hands to your mouth! It was wonderful :D

You're sleeping so soundly now, and you were excited to sleep in it. Daddy really needs to help me replace our broken washing machine..

I love you so very very much xxx

7 March 2012

Teachings in the way of the potty...

My little boy, we are potty-training. Potty training! We thought about it a while back, but you were more interested in wearing your potty on your head, so we left it for a while.

You have 2. A lightning McQueen 'all-singing-all-dancing-makes-revs-when-you-'flush'-it' one, that lives in the bathroom. When you first got it you decided you'd rather use it as a step. Your other one is a purple 'pourty'. This was your 'hat' potty that has lived in the living room for months, and had everything but what we wanted, in it!

Yesterday I figured we could try it all again. You're 2yrs and 7months. After a few accidents, you did lots of wee's in the potty and I have never been prouder! You spent the day running around the house with nothing on your bum ('I'm NAKED, Mummy!), and telling me you were using the potty. We didn't quite get there with number 2's. You managed a tiny one all by yourself, and shouted me through. I cried with happiness, I was so proud!

There were quite a few kick-off's yesterday, and on one particular visit to the time-out step, you shouted through that there was a 'massive poo on the time out step!'. As if it had magically just appeared there!

Today I figured you'd done so well, that we'd try you in 'big boy pants'. You had a pair of black pants with Francesco Bernoulli on the front, from Cars 2. We went out and about and i took your potty with me. You told me several times that you need a wee, and we made it to the potty. No accidents at all, and we had a great time! We bought you 2 sets of 'big boy pants'. One with Spiderman (Fiderman) and one with Star Wars. Of course ;)

We got home, and you stood on the fireplace and wet yourself. I'm not sure why, but you told me you wanted to so you did! Later you decided to poo on the floor. Again, because you don't want to use the potty.

Our washing machine has also just died, so this is definitely going to be a challenging week. I'm really glad I'm getting to teach you to use the potty though. I'll never forget it. I'll try harder to be a better Mummy and have more patience.

I love you so much xxx

26 February 2012

Open Letter - update

To my beautiful sunny boy,

Wow, what a ride we're on at the moment. I quit my job in July, and have been with you at home ever since.

People often say you don't notice someone changing when they're with you day in day out. This clearly isn't something anyone could ever say about being with you. Currently you're 2yrs and 7months old.

You are my absolute sunshine, and make me smile more than anyone possible.

I love the fact you have commandeered my iPad. To be honest, it was yours the second I opened the box. You work the PS3 via the remote and 'own' most gadgets in the house. Your understanding is incredible and your sense of humour is absolutely wicked. I love the glint in your eye as you tell me the green object in my hand is 'brown'. It's your favourite thing to do, and your shrieks of delight when you finally relent & tell me the correct colour, is just brilliant.

I learnt to make a lightsaber because of your obsession with Star Wars, and I'm sure our battles will be legendary, even if you are slightly obsessed with Darth Vader! You only have to watch a film once before you can quote bits of it at me, or tell me what is happening when I play soundtracks. Your memory is astounding ad I am in complete awe of you.

You are at that stage where you're copying verbatim, phrases we say. Not anything in particular, but always the ones you shouldn't. I'm not sure who enjoyed hearing your repetition of 'silly old trout' more. I didn't help the situation by collapsing into fits of giggles, but we had such fun.

I love our cinema outings. I don't just love them, I adore them. I love the routine, the excitement in your eyes, and the fact you remind me you need a special drink and treats! For all our sakes, I now bring them from home.

Because I'm not working, we've now had the cinema to ourselves for 3 films. We sit in the middle. Right in the middle. You still have a booster seat. Once you're settled, you ask for your drink and your treats. I have to try and distract you so you don't finish them all before the film even starts.

During the trailers, we work out what we want to see next, and the films we don't want to see. You hold a conversation and opinion so well, I struggle to remember you're not even 3. We've got into the habit of talking through the films. Mainly because it's only us. We might get into trouble if we ever have any other company in the cinema! After the film we talk about it, and you tell me what bits you liked best and your favourite characters. You also ask me questions.

You constantly amaze me with phrases and mannerisms you have picked up. You're often ill, and the only thing that can help is a 'chocolate bunny'. The chocolate bunny appeared after you watched 'Hop' (film about the Easter Bunny). Every time you see a chocolate bunny, you tell me it's EB (from 'Hop').

You exercise in the mornings with me. You do star jumps and sit ups, and you're a delight to workout with. After exercising you tell me how good I am at exercising, and then insist we celebrate with a lightsaber battle!

Today we went to Sainsburys and bought some ingredients for pancakes. I made you pancakes with apple, cinnamon and raisins. You really liked them. You also really like eating sunflower and pumpkin seeds. Whilst we were at Sainsburys, you chose a pink butterfly duvet set, which I put on your bed when we get home. You were so excited and jumped into bed straight away. You then asked me to get in with you and read you Peppa Pig at the library. You can almost quote the whole book at me now!

These are just some of the things we have done, that I love doing with you.

You're due to start a nursery, 3 half-mornings a week, in 7months. I can't believe how fast time is flying.

I love you so very much. Thank you for making my days shine so very brightly!

Love you,

Mummy xxx

17 February 2012

Special days

We met 2 years ago today. I can't believe it. I also can't believe we 'met'. You feel so born to us, you're so naturally our little boy. It feels we've known you your whole life.

We went out and celebrated with frozen yoghurt at your favourite place. Your had vanilla with smarties on the top. I had a chocolate & vanilla mix. From where you normally sit, you can see the TV screens in the Disney Store, so after we finished our yoghurts, we went for a walk around the Disney Store. You chose a hula hoop with lots of sparkle and pictures of Rapunzel & Pascal on it.

Unfortunately Daddy had to work, so couldn't be with us, but I sent him a picture we had taken at the yoghurt bar.

We had such a lovely time xxx

20 January 2012


The change in DS1 has been phenomenal. He no longer licks floors / doors / furniture (thank goodness), he talks for the world, and is exceptionally bright. Yesterday he climbed his Gruffalo Trunki, in order to put his bedroom light on..!

He knows all his colours, his numbers to 15, and how to operate most of the equipment in the house. He has full-blown reasoned conversations with us, and argues exceptionally well.

He's just turned 2.5yrs old.

Life is only going to continue to get more interesting ;)

17 January 2012

Happy Feet 2

Today DS1 and I went to the cinema to see Happy Feet 2 (his 4th cinema experience). I have an Insider card so assumed it would be cheaper. Well, I ended up being cheaper than DS1! £10.50 later, we were in the cinema.

On our own.

DS1 looked a little concerned, but was more than happy to have his pick of seats. I assumed that people would come in late.

Nope. Just us. What a brilliant experience! The film was great (I really didn't rate the first 'Happy Feet'), and DS1 and I were able to converse during it too ("What's that orange, Mummy?" 'That's krill, DS1' "What's krill?.." and so on).

I worked out, on leaving, that whilst I'm home, the best time to go during term time, is Wednesday. Orange Wednesday's make it £6.50 for both of us. Definitely an improvement on £10.25, and even more of an improvement on the standard £12.25. (I must be old, I think the prices are ridiculous!)