20 July 2012

This week

DS1, you've turned 3 - I can't believe how the time has flown. I also can't believe I'm still not updating this more regularly, but time keeps getting away  from me.

Your birthday was brilliant. You wanted Spiderman everything, and that's what you got! I made you a Spiderman cake, which you loved, and you got many many Hexbugs from your Uncles and Aunties (Uncle Dave,  Uncle Mark & Aunty Shona, and Aunty Helen). You wanted a skateboard from us, and we also got you a bigger scooter (you call it your posh scooter - it's a No Fear orange trick one). Uncle Toby bought you Alex the Aardvark, who you adore, and created a blog for you, which you followed avidly until Alex arrived! Uncle Toby loves you very much :)

It was the first time we'd put on a proper children's party, so we went from 2pm - 6pm. Apparently most parents thought it would be no longer than a few hours. I wish they'd told us that at the time!

You had chips and curly fries, sausage rolls, chicken dippers, and I cooked 60 colour-themed cupcakes! There was crisps, jelly, biscuits and I made lactose-free lemon cheesecake  etc  (and baileys cheesecake for the adults!).

There were lots of balloons and spiderman blowers, and you all spent a lot of tie bouncing on the trampoline - helped by Uncle Toby, Uncle Dave and Uncle Mark - who were brilliant with you all! I spent a lot of time in the kitchen, and luckily Daddy and Aunty Sho grabbed me out for a few presents with you and your cake.

You stayed up late, talking and playing with your toys, and eventually went to bed about 9pm. You were out like a light, you'd had such a busy day! Daddy and I stayed up talking with Uncle Dave, Uncle Toby, Aunty Shona & Uncle Mark, and Aunty Helen, for quite a few hours before they left to go to the hotel. We don't see them very often, so it was nice to sit and chat.

For my birthday (the following day), you decided that waking me up early was the way to go, the morning of my birthday. I was so pleased to have received such a massive hug and kiss in bed, and having you whispering "Happy Birthday, Mummy! I love you!" - that I got up with you and gave Daddy my lie-in! I'm 36, early mornings are getting harder! (You'll understand this when you get to 13!).

For lunch we went for a meal at TGI's. You got a dragon balloon after chatting up the barmaid (which they didn't charge for). Uncle Dave and Uncle Toby were taking notes, and were impressed at your smooth talk 'What's your name?' and the way you then ordered a drink for Daddy! Apparently you'll be a great wingman (I think they'd like your help!). You bought me a Maroon5 album (our favourite band together!), which is good as you've made me play 'OverExposed' in the car repeatedly - even for me! You also chose my birthday card because it had a monkey on it, which made me laugh.

Last week we went to see Ice Age 4: Continental Drift, with Josh. You loved it, and your favourite character was Captain Gut (voiced by Peter Dinklage, who plays Tyrion Lanister in 'Game of Thrones' - something  Daddy & I hope you love when you are much much older!).

 Next week you want to see Madagascar 4. It will be packed as it's now the summer holidays, but we'll go on a Wednesday when it's 'Orange 2-4-1' at the cinema. The cinema currently costs £6.50 each, and 3D costs £8.50. You have to wear glasses for 3D. I wonder how it will be when you're reading this back.

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