26 February 2012

Open Letter - update

To my beautiful sunny boy,

Wow, what a ride we're on at the moment. I quit my job in July, and have been with you at home ever since.

People often say you don't notice someone changing when they're with you day in day out. This clearly isn't something anyone could ever say about being with you. Currently you're 2yrs and 7months old.

You are my absolute sunshine, and make me smile more than anyone possible.

I love the fact you have commandeered my iPad. To be honest, it was yours the second I opened the box. You work the PS3 via the remote and 'own' most gadgets in the house. Your understanding is incredible and your sense of humour is absolutely wicked. I love the glint in your eye as you tell me the green object in my hand is 'brown'. It's your favourite thing to do, and your shrieks of delight when you finally relent & tell me the correct colour, is just brilliant.

I learnt to make a lightsaber because of your obsession with Star Wars, and I'm sure our battles will be legendary, even if you are slightly obsessed with Darth Vader! You only have to watch a film once before you can quote bits of it at me, or tell me what is happening when I play soundtracks. Your memory is astounding ad I am in complete awe of you.

You are at that stage where you're copying verbatim, phrases we say. Not anything in particular, but always the ones you shouldn't. I'm not sure who enjoyed hearing your repetition of 'silly old trout' more. I didn't help the situation by collapsing into fits of giggles, but we had such fun.

I love our cinema outings. I don't just love them, I adore them. I love the routine, the excitement in your eyes, and the fact you remind me you need a special drink and treats! For all our sakes, I now bring them from home.

Because I'm not working, we've now had the cinema to ourselves for 3 films. We sit in the middle. Right in the middle. You still have a booster seat. Once you're settled, you ask for your drink and your treats. I have to try and distract you so you don't finish them all before the film even starts.

During the trailers, we work out what we want to see next, and the films we don't want to see. You hold a conversation and opinion so well, I struggle to remember you're not even 3. We've got into the habit of talking through the films. Mainly because it's only us. We might get into trouble if we ever have any other company in the cinema! After the film we talk about it, and you tell me what bits you liked best and your favourite characters. You also ask me questions.

You constantly amaze me with phrases and mannerisms you have picked up. You're often ill, and the only thing that can help is a 'chocolate bunny'. The chocolate bunny appeared after you watched 'Hop' (film about the Easter Bunny). Every time you see a chocolate bunny, you tell me it's EB (from 'Hop').

You exercise in the mornings with me. You do star jumps and sit ups, and you're a delight to workout with. After exercising you tell me how good I am at exercising, and then insist we celebrate with a lightsaber battle!

Today we went to Sainsburys and bought some ingredients for pancakes. I made you pancakes with apple, cinnamon and raisins. You really liked them. You also really like eating sunflower and pumpkin seeds. Whilst we were at Sainsburys, you chose a pink butterfly duvet set, which I put on your bed when we get home. You were so excited and jumped into bed straight away. You then asked me to get in with you and read you Peppa Pig at the library. You can almost quote the whole book at me now!

These are just some of the things we have done, that I love doing with you.

You're due to start a nursery, 3 half-mornings a week, in 7months. I can't believe how fast time is flying.

I love you so very much. Thank you for making my days shine so very brightly!

Love you,

Mummy xxx

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