7 March 2012

Teachings in the way of the potty...

My little boy, we are potty-training. Potty training! We thought about it a while back, but you were more interested in wearing your potty on your head, so we left it for a while.

You have 2. A lightning McQueen 'all-singing-all-dancing-makes-revs-when-you-'flush'-it' one, that lives in the bathroom. When you first got it you decided you'd rather use it as a step. Your other one is a purple 'pourty'. This was your 'hat' potty that has lived in the living room for months, and had everything but what we wanted, in it!

Yesterday I figured we could try it all again. You're 2yrs and 7months. After a few accidents, you did lots of wee's in the potty and I have never been prouder! You spent the day running around the house with nothing on your bum ('I'm NAKED, Mummy!), and telling me you were using the potty. We didn't quite get there with number 2's. You managed a tiny one all by yourself, and shouted me through. I cried with happiness, I was so proud!

There were quite a few kick-off's yesterday, and on one particular visit to the time-out step, you shouted through that there was a 'massive poo on the time out step!'. As if it had magically just appeared there!

Today I figured you'd done so well, that we'd try you in 'big boy pants'. You had a pair of black pants with Francesco Bernoulli on the front, from Cars 2. We went out and about and i took your potty with me. You told me several times that you need a wee, and we made it to the potty. No accidents at all, and we had a great time! We bought you 2 sets of 'big boy pants'. One with Spiderman (Fiderman) and one with Star Wars. Of course ;)

We got home, and you stood on the fireplace and wet yourself. I'm not sure why, but you told me you wanted to so you did! Later you decided to poo on the floor. Again, because you don't want to use the potty.

Our washing machine has also just died, so this is definitely going to be a challenging week. I'm really glad I'm getting to teach you to use the potty though. I'll never forget it. I'll try harder to be a better Mummy and have more patience.

I love you so much xxx

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