9 March 2012

Potty Training (3)

Day 3 of potty training.

You are doing so well! Really really well! I am so proud of you!

Today Amazon delivered 'Princess Polly's Potty' and 'Toilet Training' by Gina Ford. Only one is for you, the other is for me. You were so excited by the princess book, but I realised very quickly, that you need a 'boys' version. I have ordered Pirate Pete and his Potty. It'll be here tomorrow ;)

Anyway, you were jumping off and on your potty so excitedly today, and not a single spill! We played, you watched films and we talked a lot. (Mummy finally got her car insurance sorted)

Halfway through the day you screamed 'Mummy, Nappy!' at me. I ran over, but it was too late, and you'd messed your pants. You were so mortified and upset, and you told me I was angry. I could never be angry at you for this, you try so very, very hard. We cleaned you up and put your poo in the potty. I gave you lots and lots of cuddles, and told you how much I love you, that I was so proud of you for trying, and for telling me.

You then told me we needed to put the poo in the toilet, so we went upstairs and transferred everything.  I cleaned up what was left, and we changed your pants too. You seemed a lot happier when you flushed the toilet and watched everything go.

The rest of the day you continued to wee in the potty without any trouble and told me few times that you'd had an accident. I kept telling you it didn't matter, and that we'd do it right next time. You were a lot happier.

I also called you upstairs for a surprise. Daddy & I had bought you a Star Wars Lego duvet set. I will never forget your face when you walked into your bedroom and saw it, and the way you gasped and held your hands to your mouth! It was wonderful :D

You're sleeping so soundly now, and you were excited to sleep in it. Daddy really needs to help me replace our broken washing machine..

I love you so very very much xxx

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