16 August 2012

First visit

Tonight we met our Social Worker. She is thankfully, very, very nice, and I warmed to her straight away. She has 2 older sons, recognises DS is bright and challenging, and ate 2 of the cookies I made (Hey! First impressions, right?!).

Unfortunately she can only do fortnightly meetings, but she's incredibly flexible about timings, and has even offered weekends if needed (though we don't want to have to do that, and want to make this an equal compromise).

She reckons we'll need 7-8 sessions before panel, says we'll need to do homework, and has already booked in the next 2 sessions.

I think I'm going to really enjoy this, especially cos the challenging circumstances from my past are now out of the equation. I hope so, anyway! Fingers crossed :D


  1. Hi - so glad that you've signed up to the travelling notebooks - adoption is something the boy and i are seriously talking about at the moment. it'd be lovely, when we get a little further into it, if i could pick your brains? x

  2. I hadn't even seen thsi! Ofc, any time! xx
