31 March 2016

DS2: Behaviour, medical notes and searching for truths and support

For the last few years we've been trying to get some sort of needs assessment for DS2. HE came to us with severe health implications, and behavioural issues and the age of 13 months old. I wondered if it was FAS (Foetal Alcohol Syndrome), but no. I couldn't work out what was going on at all, and his head is too small and his consultant says is not growing at the rate is should. He went through 2 terrifying febrile seizures lasting 30 mins and then an hour but always seemed more lucid after he came out of it.

He has development issues, seems to fall over a lot, is highly intelligent, sociable and gives direct eye contact, yet has violent rages, will throw himself to the floor when he doesn't want to talk, bite, kick scream, destroy rooms, throw computers, rip out wiring and bite and attack people and objects like some rabid puppy.

He is also the most loving and gorgeous boy ever, and until just recently I hadn't realised just how very tiny he is compared to the rest of his class. We're talking head and shoulders below..

Recently we've been speaking to people about support for him and a fried of mine has suggested he may have High Functioning Autism, which now we've read it, fits him like a glove, it's insane. I've taught SEN children before but never high functioning autism, so his social skills confused me, even though everything else was screaming autism.

We've told school who are going to look into it and if things don't move along will go private to help him get a diagnoses. It's like a light at the end of a tunnel, and I'm going to hold his hand all the way there :)

29 February 2016

Is this normal?

Is this normal to be this terrified, this scared, this anxious and this worried as an adoptive parent?

Not in a day-to-day setting, (though I admit, I have had my moments), but when you see DS1's birth parent at the bus stop of the village in which you live, about 100yds from your house?

Been a while

So, hey, how's it going? How's life?

I'm now a proud mum to a lively nearly 7 and nearly 4 year old now. It's weird looking back on this diary how much has changed and how far we've come.