20 September 2013

First week of school

Wow. You've just completed your first week in school. Reception class. I am so so proud of you! The difference in you has been marked. You're still incredibly patient and happy, but you've some of your carefreeness back, which has been missing of late.

Tonight, to celebrate a full week, I took you to get a milkshake after school. I had banana and you had strawberry. DS2 didn't have anything, due to his really bad cold.

We came home, and were going to design some cars, but DS2 vomited everywhere and I had to get him into the bath and wash him down.

You had ham and pineapple pizza for tea, as requested, even though you then proceeded to pick off the pineapple! Then you went and played outside with Elliot, and Izzy for an hour. You came back in and we watched Fantasia 2000, which you adored, especially the Whales.

DS2 went to bed at 7.30pm, and you stayed up and watched After Earth (your choice) with Daddy & me, whilst eating a large bag of Tyrells Sweet & Salty popcorn, in your new 'Glow in the Dark' skeleton onesie. Towards the end of the film you came and curled up with me, and I wrapped you up in my big grey cardigan. When you were little you used to insist I tucked my card around you when you went to bed, and you often wouldn't sleep without it.

After the film you did your teeth without problem, and got changed into your GAP skeleton PJ's, as it'd make the morning easier.

I'm sat here, watching a film with your Dad (which is rubbish, btw - called Hummingbird / Redemption), and smiling to myself about what a wonderful boy you are, and what a beautiful little man you're turning into. Love you, beautiful boy!

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