18 May 2009

This weekend has been interestng for me.

Finished day 3 of the Preparing to Adopt course. Went to my Mum's birthday, and caught up with an old friend.

The last 24hrs have seen my mind constantly whirring with regards to adoption - all brough on by filling out an ecomap (I like to get on with the stuff I know needs doing).

I have realised I am incredibly lucky to have the network of support that we do. Really lucky, and I know I have friends I can call if I needed them, and they'd drop everything to be there. I also know how rare that is, which is why I value it so much.

The one thing I have been thinking of, however, are the people we've put down as referee's for our social worker.

I put down my oldest friend - who's known me from school. Makes sense, right? She's known me longer than anyone else I know, aside from my folks and sisters? Now I don't know. She still knows me more than anyone else does, she seen the lot, and then some, but we're not in contact often, maybe once a year, and I don't know how relevant that is when it comes to what the social worker is looking to find out.

It's left me feeling very confused really.

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