28 May 2009

Updates and 1st session

It's been a while. It seems like forever since the course finished, and since we saw some of our friends - and I certainly could C&S and J&B as our friends.

Had our first session with our Link worker last night. We went through our 'homework' (family trees for each of us) and talked about people who've died etc. I also brought out the 'eco-map' I'd worked on, and she seemed impressed. I like to get things done when I know they need doing, so she took it to read over.

Our next 2 sessions are booked. For me. She's doing my profile first. Through various convo's she knows that it wasn't an easy childhood and it's best to get things out of the way now than keep alluding to them. She asked whether I was OK talking to her about it, which surprised me. Surely if I was still screwed up over things I wouldn't be in a position to apply to adopt? Anyway, I said I was fine, as it won't be at a bad TotM, so my hormones will be normal thank god! ;)

She still says 4-6months to get to panel from now. It seems like a lifetime away. She also doesn't know whether she'll be our worker after panel, because she's agency, which leaves me a little apprehensive. Surely to 'match' us it should be someone that knows us very well?

Anyway, no doubt something not worth worrying about at such an early stage.

Hoping to catch up with C&S tomorrow :)

18 May 2009

This weekend has been interestng for me.

Finished day 3 of the Preparing to Adopt course. Went to my Mum's birthday, and caught up with an old friend.

The last 24hrs have seen my mind constantly whirring with regards to adoption - all brough on by filling out an ecomap (I like to get on with the stuff I know needs doing).

I have realised I am incredibly lucky to have the network of support that we do. Really lucky, and I know I have friends I can call if I needed them, and they'd drop everything to be there. I also know how rare that is, which is why I value it so much.

The one thing I have been thinking of, however, are the people we've put down as referee's for our social worker.

I put down my oldest friend - who's known me from school. Makes sense, right? She's known me longer than anyone else I know, aside from my folks and sisters? Now I don't know. She still knows me more than anyone else does, she seen the lot, and then some, but we're not in contact often, maybe once a year, and I don't know how relevant that is when it comes to what the social worker is looking to find out.

It's left me feeling very confused really.

11 May 2009


So, where to start. I have a blog already. It's for friends, and more about timelines really, so people know what we're ding and when. a remind of sorts. This is for me. Somewhere I can say what I feel and think and not have to worry about someone getting irate and judging me for my feelings.

We applied to adopt in September 2008. We had our first home visit in December 2008. We then get left to the side and ignored. We requested info and communication and got pretty much ignore, or monosyllabic and unfriendly communication back when we kept pushing. We finally got a social worker allocated in April, and started out Course for prospective adopters on the 9th May.