27 March 2013

Explaining goodbye..

Josh is coming around tonight.

You're really excited to see him, and you talk about him a lot. Tonight, Josh has to tell you he's going away to sea. I am nervous about how this will go, and how much you will understand. I think you will take it all in, as normal, and take it away to think about. Only later will the questions come.

Josh is such an integral part of our family that I'm not sure how I'm going to cope without him, let alone how you will. I had so hoped he would be around for introductions of your little brother, and to see you take on the big brother role you are so desperate to fill.

Hopefully Skype, pictures and emails will help fill the gap, and give you some understanding. Hopefully Josh will be back for your & your little brother's birthday. I have got so used to having Josh around that I had forgotten he was ever going to go away. Again, situations make you realise how much you love some people and how important they are to you.

I hope you take this OK, little one..


And yet somehow the times slips away from you. What's happened since my very sparse last entry?

March 8th: Panel
Approved as 2nd time adopters. whilst there we were told of a match they'd made. we left feeling full of hope and just waiting for the ratification from the agency decision maker.

March 22nd: Ratification
2weeks after panel, at 6pm, we received a phone call from our family worker, with confirmation of ratification (talk about leaving it til the 11th hour!).
She also gave us more details on our match. I watched open mouthed as a profile appeared on my screen and looked at the little boy we hope so very much, will be joining our family. He is beautiful!

April 9th: Meeting & reports
Our worker is now on holiday and we're due to meet her to discuss our match on April 9th. It feels like forever away! All the while DS1 is asking where his little brother is, and the excitement builds! He is very excited to become a big brother. I have spoken to S. Services, so they're aware we are keen for the match to progress :)

On Friday (29th), we're going to see DS1's foster mum.