28 April 2012

I meant to say - no more pottys!

We have a portable fold-up seat for the toilet at home, that I used to take with us when we went out, but you don't use it anywhere but home. You're incredibly independent and insist at times, at going to the toilet on your own.

You have shot up, and seem to have grown 2inches in the last week, so you can now just about stand up to wee without a seat.

Every now and then you just seem to shoot up, and apparently you're quite tall for your age.

Verbally you're streets ahead of your peers, and love learning about everything. We're currently learning about the Solar System. You're not a fan of Mars.

You love OK GO!, and the '3 Primary Colours' song. You can access YouTube. Not only that, you can use the iPad to access the server to put on any films you want to watch. You're a sponge when it comes to absorbing information.

Cows don't drink milk from their bums. TheY do drink water. They do drink puddles. The magic frog can probably get home when it rains.. :)