Next week I am due to meet BM. I'm nervous, but I'm also looking forward to it. I have a lot of questions and I want to be the one that tells her what DS's name is. SS have once again been banging on about it, and whereas I know she has no legal rights now the A.Order is through, I want to be the one to tell her what it is (she knows it has been changed, and has no problem with it).
I know we won't be the best of friends, or even friends, but for some reason I want her to be happy that her baby is with us, and for her to feel he will have the best life ever. I want her to feel confident in us, even though it makes no difference whether she likes us or not. It matters to me. I want to be able to tell DS when he's older that his BM was happy he was with us, and that when I met her we got on well.
I hope he never feels the need to ask, but if he does, I know I will have done right by him.
I'm confident. I'm nervous.
It may be a very long week..